We created our online personal
and corporate profiles
We started by creating our personal profiles, as well as our corporate ones on the website of the Health Hack. This was our very first step of the event which allowed us to have access to all the information we needed to start the creation process!
The team got familiar with the various challenges
Our challenge problematic
As a chronic patient, I want to be able to collect all my different records in one place so that I can pull them out immediately if needed... with still ongoing treatment and diagnosis I face several problems and stress due to multiple health documents being stored at different specialists' locations.
The second step was to take in all the information at our disposal and extract what was really important to develop the application with these needs in mind. Given the amount of information, we shared out the work load and at the end of the day, put it all together to have a file composed of what seemed to be the main focuses.
This allowed to outline what our challenge would be: Create a mobile application to store the patients health documents that is accessible to the medical professionals that need it. This will allow less cumbersome medical tests and better diagnosis. It should allow as many types of document formats as possible.

We brainstormed together and created diverse touchpoints with peers, patients and of course the organizers.
With all of this information in mind, we started the creation process by brainstorming together and defining the main points that needed to be developed. Everyone in the team got their fair share of creation, research or testing. This will allow us to get a working first version pretty rapidly, what is meant is that we could then present the first version to some patients and health professionals to get a first feedback.